Thursday, July 10, 2008


Have you ever noticed how the minute you "commit" to something, like giving up chocolate or coffee, brushing your teeth three times a day, keeping a journal or, of course, the universal "diet and exercise" you not only fall off the wagon immediately, you break both legs in the process! I think the latent willfullness from childhood rises up and says to our subconscious minds, "Nobody is going to make me do anything? Not even ME!" Anyway, this is my current explanation for self-sabotage. Kind of embarrassing now that I've seen it in print; so much for 53-year-old maturity. On the bright side, now that I've figured out the villain behind this mind-boggling phenomenon surely I'll manage to get more than one gratitude entry a week posted to this blog. One can only hope. I am grateful for my sister's and brother's healings from cancer this past year. Our God thinks of everything. Thank you, Father and Our Lord Christ Jesus. I am grateful for Abby and Kate and Sonny who fill so much of who I am. I am grateful for solitude and peaceful, quiet times like now, with no TV. I am grateful for God's provision through my wonderful husband. I am grateful that all of my close family members are still living. I am blessed, truly blessed.

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