Sunday, March 15, 2009

Life Begets Life

My niece, Allison, and her husband, Derek, welcomed the newest member of our family on February 24, 2009. I got to hold him when he was only hours old! What a joy! I haven't held a newborn since my eighteen year-old presented herself.
I find myself envisioning the fun times he will have at his Great-aunt Lisa's house; fishing in the lake, swimming in the pool, jumping on the trampoline, baking cookies, playing the piano just to name a few. Happy Days are here again!! I am grateful for Elliot and tiny fingers and toes, healthy delivery for Allie, amazing support from Derek. I am especially grateful to witness my sister, Tanya, become a grandmother and Allison's dad, Chester, become a grandfather. Oh the years, they come and they go...and life goes on...and life is good!