Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Childhood Home

While exploring with the google earth program I discovered this recent street view of the house I grew up in. I lived here with my parents, older sister and younger brother and my Grandmother Pope from about fourth grade until I married at eighteen. It was a great old place with a floor furnace and window a/c units that we only used when the Summer heat became unbearable. With lots of windows and a frequent breeze we could "get by" through June and part of July. I still love an open house when the weather permits, and I purposely built my current home with lots of double-hung windows. Still, the a/c unit provides our comfort most of the year. But I am grateful for the memories I have of lazy days spent lying across my bed reading or daydreaming or even napping while a breeze floated through my window and the sounds of nature provided a peaceful backdrop. I hope the folks who live there now are as happy as I was then.
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